Greetings FromThe Infinite Potential TeamIntroducing

The Science Of Wholeness

Greetings From
The Infinite Potential Team


The Science Of Wholeness

We are very excited to announce that  The Science Of Wholeness starts tomorrow on Saturday, November 4th

Across the broad span of wisdom traditions, one encounter is of key significance: some direct access or contact with the ground of being.

Even in this secular age, dominated as we are by the materialistic, reductionist paradigm of western science, these transcendent experiences still occur, even amongst members of the scientific community.

While this experience is always inexpressible in detail, it commonly involves an overwhelming feeling of wholeness, a blurring of the line between subject and object, a melting away of divisions and an immersion in a state of participatory  consciousness.

If the underlying ground of reality is an inexpressible whole, beyond aspects and distinctions, we might expect some echo of this to emerge in our scientific investigations. David Bohm certainly had this intuition, which coloured his approach to quantum theory especially and science and philosophy more generally.

In this series of workshops, we will investigate the extent to which modern science has encountered aspects of wholeness, non-local consciousness and the subject-object distinction. We will also consider what a post-reductionist science might look like, drawing on the experiences of indigenous cultures.

Pari Center Online Series

November 4 – 19, 2023

9:00am PST | 12:00pm EST | 5:00pm GMT  |  6:00pm CET

6-two-hour sessions every Saturday and Sunday

All sessions are live and you will be sent the RECORDING.

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